In Episode 19, we discussed a portion of our cross examination of the Michigan State Police Technical Leader/Toxicologist and what we uncovered and revealed during that hearing. In Episode 20, we explore even more of our killer cross examination of this expert witness. While the state and the MSP was sending these technicians out to testify and consult with the various police departments, the leaders of the program were discussing privately what they truly thought of the technicians. These technicians given the highest level of classification as a Datamaster Operator, it was represented both expressly and impliedly that they were competent, prepared and capable. Yet, the leaders of the program knew better. Want until you hear what they said about these technicians behind their backs and among themselves. Talk about talking behind someone’s back — what’s worse is that they misrepresented what they knew and thought about them. Episode 20 is our next installment of this series.
Please be aware we are relying on impressions, recollections, memories and interpretations.