Dan Webb talks about cross examining a former President (Ronald Reagan), prosecuting Jussie Smollett, key cross-examination strategies, and of course, his love for Chicago. Only on Killer Cross Examination.
If the Lord picked a lawyer to defend a case, there is a pretty good chance that Dan Webb is on the short list of lawyers who’d get the call. His credentials are impeccable. It has been said about Webb that he is one of the “11 lawyers you definitely don’t want to see across the aisle, the #1 litigator in the US, a “stunningly good trial lawyer” and “one of the most formidable courtroom lawyers in America today.” What’s more, he’s brutally honest about what trials are about – winning. Not moral victories, not keeping juries out, not defending the rights of the accused … winning. And, Dan Webb knows how to win. It is no wonder that his client list reads like a Who’s Who — Kwame Kilpatrick, Bill Gates, former Governor of Ililnois George Ryan, former Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr., former Congressman Dan Rostenkowski and William Kennedy Smith to name a few. He represents a Russian Oligarch and if you think he’s above prosecuting someone, he’s not. He was a United States Attorney and he recently prosecuted Jussie Smollett, the actor who was convicted of disorderly person and false report of a mugging and did so, according to him, to restore the integrity of the Chicago justice system. Webb is a cross examination master.