My guest is Mark Eiglarsh. Mark Eiglarsh is a criminal defense lawyer, television analyst out of Florida. Eiglarsh is a regular, television commentator and analyst regularly appearing on CNN, Fox News and Court TV. He was a nightly fixture on the Dr. Drew show on CNN Headline News following and covering the Jodi Arias murder trial. The massacre at Rosemary Stoneman Douglas High School was fresh in the minds, eyes and hearts of so many when stories about school resource officer Scot Peterson began to unfold. At the time of the shooting, Peterson was the school’s law enforcement resource officer or liaison. It was his job to protect the students and he was being accused of doing just the opposite – acting out of cowardice and fear and “freezing” rather than finding, charging in and confronting the shooter. When he was charged with crimes, e.g., culpable negligence, neglect of duty as a caregiver to the students and perjury, Peterson turned to Eiglarsh to defend him. Eiglarsh did just that – through the years of litigation, depositions, motions, etc., Eiglarsh defended Peterson. Eiglarsh’s defense was spirited and effective – Peterson was acquitted by a jury on all counts. Eiglarsh joins me on this episode of the Killer Cross Examination Podcast.